
Panna Cotta Ramblings

Words curl from your lips as
smokey ribbons of nothing.

Binding me to you,
possessing me,
tying me

and up

and down.

I fear this moment like no other.
To look at you wholly and unafraid.

That you chance to see me, I could not suffer;

That you do not see me,

I would not


So here sit I of the blogisphere tapping away as the sun comes up. I have not slept all night. I think I was tired at some point but can't remember. I am not sure of its importance anyway.
I tend to get a little philosophical and poetic after reading too much and sleeping too little so I shall make you no promises of quality or coherence but will persevere nonetheless.

I have decided that on Saturdays I will post about food. I may on other days too. However, since Saturdays are slow and lazy and mainly filled with cooking for me it seems to fit well. **Watch this space** Gorgeous food to come! Am thinking of Vanilla Panna Cotta (Saturdays must be vanilla days - well as vanilla as I get) with a tart Raspberry
Jelly....unless sleep finds me first!

I am working on taking some pics of the food and have decided to go back and re-create all previous recipes to take photos just for you! As well *I* am doing a bit of re-co
on the blog layout (read into that Dear-Husband, who is much more handy on the blessed electrical contraption than myself, is going to make it look how I want it) WITH a separate recipe page!

*SIGH* I know it will be tough, but someone is going to have to eat all the recipe-re-dos!

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